NLP Conference India

NLP Conference India

NLP Conference India

Different selling techniques are being employed by different Trainers to procure participants for their courses. NLP as a field is no different, and one of the techniques to market courses these days is to resort to a couple of days NLP conferences, 2-3 hour free sessions, meetups, webinars etc. A meetup or a free session is fine if there is some learning available for the person attending it. But if the sole purpose is to leverage the session as a marketing and selling tool with no learning for the participant, then this ‘free’ session/ meetup becomes pointless. And even though some trainers with good intention may want to conduct a session as Social Responsibility, they will not be able to do so as there will be bad press around the whole idea. The same is the case with NLP Conferences in India. NLP Conference India or NLP Conference in India is a buzz word these days, as many NLP trainers are bundling smaller sessions into a two days conference format, and conducting it.  Some NLP conferences are so bad that if you attend them you will probably quit the NLP world, and would never want to step into a real NLP training program.

NLP Conference India – Current trends

The point of bother for NLP Conference India is ~ at what cost? At the cost of corrupting the NLP experience for the participants attending it, considering the entire concept is driven by one or two NLP Trainers and their associates? Some of the presenters at times even don’t belong to Pure NLP ~ Their NLP knowledge and skills itself are suspect.  There have been many attempts made by groups of NLP Trainers from outside India to promote their style of NLP, and they have good intentions behind that, considering they come with a lot of NLP experience. But the point is that one competent person is not going to work, as the rest of the speakers/associates are generally sub-standard, and hence the overall experience of the conference for the participants ends on a sour note. The smarter participants who do their due research on expert NLP Trainers in India or Best NLP Trainer in India, will get to know who is the market leader(s), what is the kind of experience they bring, what work they have been doing in said field, what values they have etc. But India is a large country with many gullible people, and considering NLP Training in India has gained significant momentum in the last few years, the market size is huge, and these gullible people who can be influenced by these so-called promoted NLP Conference India or NLP Conferences in India cause a big risk to the credibility of NLP Training in India, and the future of NLP Training in India.

A lot of professionals are being brought into these NLP conferences in India from outside of country, and some are from India as well, who are not NLP Trainers or NLP Coaches, but are into some other form of therapy, coaching, change work, counseling etc.  There is nothing wrong with those modalities, they have their own space.  There is a dedicated conference for Cognitive Behavioural Coaching (CBC), and in that only CBC coaches are being invited, and focus and agenda is specifically about CBC, nothing else. This ensures that a conference participant gets some value out of the sessions, not just being used for data gathering (their personal details – name, emails, phone numbers), and then later on being bombarded with flyers, brochures, and calls regarding programs which have nothing to do with NLP.  Attend an international NLP conference, if there is such a thing, where the topics are only NLP based, and then you will find some value.  As someone really new into NLP, don’t expect to learn NLP in the conference, no matter how good the NLP trainer is, because the time will be limited, and curating an experience won’t be possible to understand NLP, or use it is in some form in your life.

Future of NLP Conferences in India

Let’s hope that in the future there will be better collaboration among top NLP Trainers in India, and the NLP Conferences in India will be useful for participants ~ helping them experience NLP as taught by the top NLP Trainers in India; who are competent, represent NLP in its purest form, and don’t mix it with other forms of self-help, which seems to be the growing trend in India.

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