Certified NLP Practitioner Program in Pune

Certified NLP Practitioner program in Pune

Certified NLP Practitioner Program in Pune

If you are contemplating to attend an NLP training in Pune, and before you check out NLP Practitioner program page, and the NLP Events calendar about our next Certified NLP Practitioner Program in Pune, here are some of the considering that you might consider while selecting a Certified NLP Practitioner program in Pune.

NLP in India is a very popular buzzword these days, and it is important that you are aware of some of the important elements while selecting an NLP Practitioner Program that you might want to attend.

Criteria to select Certified NLP Practitioner course in Pune

  1. The most important point to consider while selecting an NLP Practitioner program is the accreditation of the training organization and the facilitator facilitating the program. It is imperative that you understand the accreditation of the program that you are going to attend (ABNLP, John Grinder, Richard Bandler etc.) the training organization is going to certify you under. Program conducted by Richard Bandler is different than program conducted by Richard Bandler certified Trainer, the same thing applies to John Grinder as well. If a Trainer is certified by Richard Bandler, that does not mean they are of the same caliber, especially India is seeing a surge in terms of trainers who are getting certified by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. These trainers even though certified by John Grinder and Richard Bandler, are relatively new trainers, and are not in the same league as some of the experienced NLP trainers in India, who are certified by Richard and John, and other NLP leaders.        Also, an important element to consider is that there are many NLP accreditation bodies in India, which are certifying sub-standard Practitioners, using an International name.  An accreditation body started by sub-standard trainers in Europe, America or India itself does not automatically become good.  Generally, there is a generalization in India, that anything foreign is good.  The oldest NLP accreditation body in the world is SNLP, and John Grinders, NLP University, American Board of NLP. There are other good ones as well, do check what you are getting into.
  2. Classic or application-based program: Another important element that is worth considering is whether the program is application based or just another classic NLP program. Classic programs were good 40 years back, however, things have changed and NLP programs without any relevance to the application in the current scenario does not make sense.  Most of the good NLP programs in the world are a combination of classic plus application based and focus on building core skills, and along with that they focus on NLP Coaching, leveraging NLP for Persuasion,  Ericksonian Hypnosis etc
  3. Check the content of the program, and how it is shared with the prospective clients: The post that you are reading is an informative post to help you understand the nuances behind an NLP Practitioner program. There have been many cases in the past where people have been duped by fraudulent NLP Trainers with local NLP bodies, with trainers with no or poor NLP trainer level skills. We don’t want to name anybody here, even the major fraudulent ones as it is against our ethics to name and shame people on our site – Be aware of the industry level frauds of an NLP Practitioner programs, and be wise.
  4. Approvals and accreditations of the program: Here comes the major aspect of an NLP Practitioner program. The top NLP accreditation bodies of the world are American Board of NLP (ABNLP), Society of NLP (SNLP – There are variations here as well, not every SNLP Trainer is Richard Bandler certified Trainer.  Considering NLP is also used as a framework for coaching as well, many top International Coaching bodies like International Coach Federation (ICF-USA) for Coaching, also approves NLP Coaching programs, though selectively, as it requires very stringent reviews from ICF. So if a program has ICF approvals even better.
  5. The depth of the core NLP content: It is imperative that you check what NLP Trainer is going to train you on. Many NLP Trainers have poor content, as they never bothered to upgrade their learning. Four days, five days NLP programs with a smaller number of training hours in a day are not even worth discussing and attending. Some of the NLP Trainers will start at 10 am and close the day at 5 pm with 1.5 hours of lunch break, and effectively the training hours are less.
  6. Brand of a Trainer/Coach: This is one of the important elements of an NLP Practitioner Program, and especially for an NLP Practitioner Program in Pune or any other city in India. A good trainer will have a certain reputation in the market, and they will a buzz (word of mouth marketing going for them) in the market. Check social media pages of the facilitator, their LinkedIn recommendations, google page reviews, check everything and each point, as you never know which ones are fraudulent.  Make sure you check the LinkedIn ones as it is difficult to create a fraudulent review there.

If you are looking forward to attending a Certified NLP Practitioner program in Pune, do consider to attend our flagship seven days NLP and Coach program, which has three different Combos, based on the outcome that a person is looking for.  If you are looking for the best nlp training in pune Read about our flagship program here -> Certified NLP Practitioner program

If you are looking forward to becoming a Personal Change Practitioner, then select 3 Certification Combo, which is Combo 1 option.

Combo 2, if you are looking forward to becoming an NLP Coach + NLP Practitioner, select 5 Certification Combo option, which is the Combo 2 option, where you will get NLP Practitioner, along with Coach Certificates.

If you want the best branding as a coach then join for our Combo 3, which is the ICF ACSTH program, which will take a participant towards ICF ACC level.  Our public program is facilitated by Vikram Dhar NLP Trainer, the best NLP trainer in India, who has been trained by the NLP greats (John Grinder, Michael Hall, Robert Dilts), and seasoned top coaches of the world (Marshall Goldsmith & John Mattone)

Depending on the outcome of a participant, we provide different Combos in the same duration, so that people can save, time, energy, money, and get the best out of their time in terms of content, branding, and quality.

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