Dubai’s rise on the global platform has been phenomenal and apart from the technology boom, there has been a steady rise in their tourism, education, real estate, economy, and industries. This vibrant city is a melting pot of all cultures and they all live together in harmony accepting the diverse culture of the people residing there. Since many people migrate to Dubai looking for jobs and better job prospects, life there might not be as simple as you think. The mushrooming of many NLP organizations in Dubai, companies offering Life Coach Programs, NLP Practitioner Programs, NLP Coach Programs proves that there is a demand and need for good Life Coaches, Career Coaches when it comes to sorting personal and professional challenges. There is a great demand nowadays for a Life Coach Training in Dubai, especially affordable, authentic, and genuine ones, considering make fake ones (claiming whatever they want to) have mushroomed as well.
Life Coach Training program in Dubai can be attended by anyone, be it a manager who has a large team working under him, a businessman who is dealing with different types of clients, a mother trying to communicate with her children, a teacher with her students, or any other individual trying to cope up with their day-to-day lives and want to see a transformation in themselves when dealing with life, both at home and at office. A Life Coach Training program in Dubai is in great demand, but it is not always easy to find one which is affordable and reasonably priced. Here are a few tips to watch out for when you go searching for a program suitable for you.
Type of Program:
Coaching Programs, even though sound different or by purpose have been made to sound different by different nomenclature (Business Coaching, Executive Coaching, Life Coaching, Career Coaching, Entrepreneur Coaching) by many Coach Training Providers, so that people attend many programs to get those certificates, but in reality, a properly trained Coach (That too in a single Coach Program) can operate as a Coach in all areas. These terminologies are Coaching niches that a coach wants to get established in (Example: Someone wants to become a Life Coach, some want to work with Business people, someone wants to work as a Wellness Coach etc.), but behind that Coaching, framework stays the same. While there can be a confusion about which Life Coach Training in Dubai to attend in reality you can attend any Coach Program which focuses on Coaching skills, as that is more important to learn. After that, you can pick and choose the area that you want to specialize in, and if you want to operate as a Life Coach, you can work with people with respect to general Life issues. There are integrated programs (NLP Practitioner + Coach Programs) that provide all-around experience when it comes to communication, leadership, improving sales, conversational hypnosis, etc. Hence choosing the right program is important and since NLP is the most robust Coaching framework, hence our basic and advanced coaching programs are based on NLP.
Research properly:
Once you decide to attend a Life Coach Training in Dubai, do your homework properly, from that of checking about the trainer’s credentials to the organizations so that you are totally convinced that you are going to be in safe hands. There are many ways to find out; from previous participants who will be able to share their experiences with you and from social networking sites, trainer’s blog, trainer’s LinkedIn profile, trainer’s education background, personal and corporate reference, so that the decision of registering for a particular program is easy.
Traveling to attend a program is something that can be considered because many times the program of your choice will not be available in your locality or city. Example, if you are in Abu Dhabi, and considering to attend a Life Coach Training, visit Dubai, as the program content is of better quality. Locally based trainers or coaches operating might not be the best.
The choice of location should not be a hindrance when it comes to deciding upon a program because NLP and Coach Programs are an investment and it is important that you attend a program that is effective in the long run, and worth the investment (money & time)
There are a lot of programs that are being conducted in Dubai. Any NLP Training Program irrespective of the fact that they are expensive or not should be able to give the following results:
Once done with the program if you are unable to incorporate the techniques into your real life, then it is a waste of money.
This is where the trainer’s expertise and experience come into effect because if the trainer is not experienced and does not have enough knowledge in handling real-life events they will not be able to guide to make a difference in your actual life, and also not come up with practical applications of coaching methodology. Along with delivering powerful speeches, trainers should be able to convert their learning into actions so that it is beneficial for the participants while attending the program to grasp the learning.
Last but not the least make sure that the program has international accreditation, and program facilitated by an experienced trainer/coach. There are many organizations they get international accreditations under the name of some trainer/coach, and later on, they are being delivered by sub-standard trainers/coaches, this is rampant in Dubai and other GCC countries. Make sure you are learning from a Senior ICF Mentor Coach.
If you are interested in becoming a Certified Life Coach in Dubai, do get in touch and we will be happy to assist you in achieving this objective.
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